[RBS] i have a HUGE spider in my house

[RBS] i have a HUGE spider in my house

Dawid Wiskott ruthwi1 at 013.net
Fri May 18 14:11:11 IDT 2012

On 05/18/2012 02:00 PM, Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder wrote:
> there are no poisonous spiders in israel.
there are some vonomous ones, though. widows black and white and at 
least one of the thin little inconspicuous one have very nasty bites.
but the big hairum-scarum fellows, they are no threat.
and some very big and scary kinds have not even ordinary spider venom 
but feed on scorpions.
shabath shalom

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dawid wiskott ruthwi1 at 013.net +972-2-9961532 FAX פקס 15329961532 http://maps.google.com/?q=31.541807,35.119321&ie=UTF8&ll=31.541821,35.1193&spn=0.001106,0.001824&t=k&z=19
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