[RBS] Final ticket-bus prices to Esther this Thursday

[RBS] Final ticket-bus prices to Esther this Thursday

The Jerenbergs batyai100 at 013.net
Sat Nov 17 18:40:26 IST 2012

The bus is full! Here's the information you need:
It’s 65 NIS per ticket, 25 NIS for each seat on the bus. You can pay me for 
both together on the bus, and can even write a check for the total; I don’t 
have to keep the monies separate. Checks to be made out to “Raise Your 
Spirits Theater”.

BS pickup – 7 PM at Mercaz HaPizza/Mister Zol on Rechov HaDekel.
                    7:15 in RBS A at Deal V’Zol on Nachal Dolev.

please, please, please be on time so we can get there in plenty of time for 
me to get inside, get the tickets, give them out and have you seated in time 
for the show!

Batya Jerenberg 

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