[RBS] if you read mishpaha magazine

[RBS] if you read mishpaha magazine

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 10:30:39 IST 2012

and you find it hypocritical that their front page today asks
"Will Israel stop short again"" , which translates to their demand for
the IDF to keep fighting
when their magazine discourages their readers from sending sons to the army

please, let them know

inbox at mishpacha.com

sample letter:

Dear Sir:
I find it very disturbing that your magazine should demand that
Israeli boys and men risk their lives in order for "Israel to not stop
short again", when you so blatantly discourage readers from sharing in
this messirut nefesh.
If you truly believe tat the army plays a crucial role in maintainign
our safety in Eretz Yisrael, it behooves you to play a role in
bringing more and more Torah-observant men to serve in this army and
participate in this tremendous mitzva.

don't just let it slide - you CAN make a difference

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