[RBS] Do you have a son in Toras Moshe in RBS?

[RBS] Do you have a son in Toras Moshe in RBS?

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 09:13:24 IST 2012


If you do, here is a unique opportunity to express Hakoras HaTov to Rav
Malinowitz, for his part in the school.


BTYA is celebrating 10 years of Rav and Rebbitzen Malinowitz's mesirus for
the shul, and the community, at large.

The Rav and Rebbitzen are very active in many, many local concerns,
* Limudei Lottie
* Kupa Shel Tzedaka
* Toras Moshe
* The mikva being built on Luz
* Beis Tefilla Yonah Avraham
* Ma'aneh

In just over a week, we are presenting the Rav and Rebbitzen with a HAKORAS
HATOV journal.

Ad prices start as low as 50 NIS, and are tax-deductible (in the US and

To send in your small piece of appreciation, click here:

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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