[RBS] Fw: [btya-members] ***Public Service***: RBS Alef: a woman's Vigilance saves the day!!!

[RBS] Fw: [btya-members] ***Public Service***: RBS Alef: a woman's Vigilance saves the day!!!

Simcha Reiser sreiser at 013.net
Fri Nov 30 12:58:43 IST 2012

From: Esther Nicoll 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 12:20 AM
To: btya-members at btya.org 
Subject: [btya-members] ***Public Service***: RBS Alef: a woman's Vigilance saves the day!!!




***Public Service***: RBS Alef: a woman's Vigilance saves the day!!!


In last week's chadash edition in the Hebrew side, a featured story (front page) told as follows:


A woman called the police after noticing a black car with 2 Arab guys, circling Dolev (during the day) looking quite sinister.


This was followed by the police coming to the scene and singling the two Arabs guys to slow down. Apparently as soon as the 2 men saw the police they broke into high speed and left through luz down the road and into a near by moshav. The high speed chase continued until the police lost track of the suspect's car. 


Later on the police found the car (the two men ran off and got away). Turns out the car was stolen and inside the police found 2 sets of chariedi men garb, complete with pants, shirts, hats, beards, shoes..police costumes as well as teaser guns make shift guns and some other things..the police was puzzled and assumed that the 2 men were either planning to rob or chas v'shalom abduct.


Baruch Hashem a most sinister crime was prevented due to a woman's vigilance. 


I read the whole thing in Hebrew and felt very sad this was not translated into English; I think it is imperative that our community appreciates the importance of being vigilance.


We must be aware of the real potential risks which we face daily having all these workers (perhaps some of whom are terrorists) around.





Kol Tov,


Esther Nicoll-



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