[RBS] New RBS Arts Council Forming

[RBS] New RBS Arts Council Forming

ilangoodman@rocketmail.com nellgoodman at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 4 17:00:28 IST 2012

While RBS has many wonderful things going for it, it can't be denied that it is a bit of a cultural wasteland. Anyone wanting to hear music or go to a gallery opening has to drive to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. For many new olim, adjusting to this isolation is one of the hardest things about moving, and even old time residents find the boredom to be a lasting problem.

Therefore, I would like to begin work on creating an RBS council for the arts. This council would work to promote arts and culture in the RBS area, and attempt to bring more events to our community. Although Bet Shemesh is creating an artist's group, that will only focus on the visual arts, and will be used mostly to promote the artists involved. This council will, in addition to supporting local artists, promote all types of arts and focus on community enrichment. It will also focus more on the unique needs of the RBS community, namely the amount of Anglos and the need for providing frum-friendly options.

This project is currently in it's planning stages and anyone who is interested is encouraged to contact me. We are looking for people to help in all capacities, planning, fundraising, ideas and even possible talent. If you want to help make a difference in our community, now is the time to get involved. 

Please email for more information at ilangoodman at hotmail.com

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