[RBS] Chayal who is ill needs ride to / home Givat Shaul/RBS Sunday morning

[RBS] Chayal who is ill needs ride to / home Givat Shaul/RBS Sunday morning

Leeba Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Sun Oct 7 01:44:36 IST 2012

Chayal may need to get to Givat Shaul to the army doctor between 9 and 2
tomorrow (Sunday).  (Chayalim are not allowed to be treated by any other
doctors, and the nearest doctor for them is in Givat Shaul, so if a chayal
is simply too sick to go on a bus he has to figure out another way to get to
the doctor to be treated.)   If you will be driving either TO Givat Shaul at
those hours or back to Bet Shemesh/ RBS in those hours and can give him a
ride it will be much appreciated and a big chessed.
Please phone 054 2323 410 if you can help.

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