[RBS] Pitzuim for a Cleaner

[RBS] Pitzuim for a Cleaner

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Sun Oct 14 09:05:33 IST 2012

The answer is yes, there is such a thing as pitzuim for a cleaner, and yes,
it would matter as to who ended the arrangement.


For more information, you can contact the Histadrut, the governing body in
Israel for workers rights.  There's an office in Beit Shemesh, or you could
contact the main office.  

Alternatively, you're welcome to contact me and I'd be happy to give you
further information.  I do not work for nor represent neither the Histadrut
nor the cleaners, but have had to, obviously, become familiar with these


Shavua tov,


~Rivka Ester




Matching cleaners with clients in the RBS/Beit Shemesh areas since 1999.

Your address for one-off or steady home cleaning help.

02 999 6093 Please call between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM





From: marsha twersky <marshat at 013net.net>

To: Beit Shemesh <list at shemesh.co.il>, Ramat Beit Shemesh

            <rbs at cs.huji.ac.il>

Subject: [BS/RBS list] pitzuim for a cleaner ?


            <vti4b5d.fdd3bd571c5db03180f3985bba73cc06 at www.globalmail.net.il>

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Has any ever heard of giving pitzuim to a cleaner?

 Would it matter who ended the arrangement?




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