Colin Abrams colinbushveld at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 17 00:55:26 IST 2012

We want to share the comments made by some of our customers.

S.L. 'Thanks for making my Yomtov so easy,whatever I served was so tasty and
all I had to do was go to the fridge or freezer and there was the meat ready
to serve,Thanks once again

S.S. Wow didn't know I could get corned beef like this in Israel,we will be
back again and again.

C.B. Once again you made life so much easier for me , thank you.

M.J. My son won't eat meat but loves your savoury brisket. Now I know how to
get him eating meat again.

O.M. Our BBQ was amazing, we served your burgers, steaks and boerewors, our
guests had a great time eating your food!

M.S. The kichel and herring were just wonderful please can we order more for

These are just some of the comments that have thrilled us during the Chagim.

Shavua Tov

Margaret and Colin Abrams

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