[RBS] Wine bottles for tzedakah

[RBS] Wine bottles for tzedakah

familyfrei familyfrei at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 09:31:49 IST 2012


Every year, the Emunah ladies of Petach Tikva  have a bazaar to raise money
for Achuzat Sarah - a dormitory for children from broken homes. The table
that used to bring the most money into the bazaar was the wine table, but
for many years they have not had this table since most of the women are in
their 80's and 90's and it is getting too hard for them.

In memory of our dear Boobah a"H we have renewed this stand (now for the
third year running).

We need to collect as many new, unopened  wine bottles as possible. If you
can donate a bottle (or more) please take it to  Yudit Frei at Dolev 51/5 (
you can just leave it by the door) ****

Tizku L'Mitzvot.****

With thanks,****

Manya Levine and her sisters****

-- ****

** **
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