[RBS] my police meeting

[RBS] my police meeting

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 10:04:02 IST 2012

guys, it's election time
this is the time to get a strong group of residents to meet with mr
minister of police and demand that there be a budget for a mishmar ezrahi
racaz and more paid cops in this area

that said - it was intersting how many daytime break-ins there were in our
street davka during the two week period that there were arabs working on a
roof on our street.
which takes us back to our arab issue
why davka arabs ?  because they have equipment (to cut off window bars), as
well as"arei miklat" to take thigns to.  when our car was stolen ,we called
the polcie within 20 minutes of the theft (i had onyl been home that long
with the car), the police response was "it's for sure in beit lehem by now,
no point in us tryign to chase it").

Hiring arabs to save oneself money has , in many many cases , costy the
neighbours (and often the employers) money and lives.
even arabs who have been workign for someone for decades have "turned
around" and killed their bosses, and not only in Eli and Gush Katif.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Ephrayim Naiman <ejnaiman at gmail.com> wrote:

> > The root of the problem is the bringing in of illegal Arab workers to
> our neighborhoods.
> I would like to point out that there are *hundreds* of workers in
> RBS-Gimmel, most staying at the work site overnight illegally.
> This was confirmed, in public, by the police chief, at a meeting a
> number of months ago, held in the Mosdos Kol Berama shul attended by
> about 100 people.
> I believe this is also a serious part of the problem - very possibly
> more problematic than renovations.
> Note that renovations have been around for 14 years, but Gimmel has
> been around for 1-2 years, which is when the robberies increasing
> dramatically.
> The police chief intimated that while it is illegal for the workers to
> sleep at the work sites, this is "how it's done" and it won't change.
> I do believe with enough political clout and media pressure, this
> could be changed locally.
> Many other important ideas were imparted at that meeting.
> Many other *good* ideas were shared - not just Mishmar Ezrachi.
> However, they all require someone to lead.
> It requires raising monies (possibly on a monthly basis), getting
> hooked into various mokeds, getting cameras installed at various
> critical areas, it includes lighting up the various borders around
> RBS-A, etc, etc.  And of course a stronger Mishmar Ezrachi, or paid
> patrols (if every family gave NIS 25 a month, etc, etc).
> Is there someone out there ready to take this project on?
> IMHO, doing it right would create a paying job for that person in the
> long run (see community patrols created in various communities in the
> States).
> Kol Tuv,
> -Ephrayim Naiman
> ejnaiman at gmail.com
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