[RBS] SHLOMO CARLEBACH yahrzeit - aliyah laKever and books

[RBS] SHLOMO CARLEBACH yahrzeit - aliyah laKever and books

Ari Gerber arigerber at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 10:29:20 IST 2012

Aliya L'Kever/Graveside Memorial Service for R' Shlomo Carlebach z"l
This Thursday, November 1, 2012
"Gathering starting at 2pm".  Drashas, stories, singing, etc. during the afternoon and early evening.
R' Shlomo Carlebach's Grave (just past the main parking area)
Har HaMenuchot Cemetery, Jerusalem 

KOL CHEVRA - Carlebach yahrzeit publication
Kol Chevra is an annual publication of people's stories and teachings from, or related, to Reb Shlomo. The latest one just came out. 
Emuna Witt and others who were close to Reb Shlomo edit and publish this book. Emuna left a few copies locally if anyone else wants one. 
Kol Chevra sells for 60NIS cash or check (to Emuna Witt) 
Karen and I volunteered to help Emuna Witt with this. Emuna may also bring some copies to the Aliyah L'Kever. 
If you would like to pick up a copy:
In Sheinfeld, Beit Shemesh, call Ari at 0544655927  
In RBS A, call Karen at 0509906368  

There are other memorial gatherings this week: at the Moshav (Wednesday night) and at Yakar (Thursday night) 
For some reason, there is no concert this year at Binyanei HaUma....  

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