[RBS] The absorption department: Learning Centers for olim in RBS and BS - The BS branch is opening this week on Wednesday!

[RBS] The absorption department: Learning Centers for olim in RBS and BS - The BS branch is opening this week on Wednesday!

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 15:28:40 IDT 2012

We are pleased to announce the opening of the Learning Centers for
children that made Aliyah in the past 7 years, children at the age of
first grade to ninth grade.

The Learning Centers will offer homework assistance and preparation for tests.
The Learning centers operate in two location:
In Beit Shemeh at Meirhoff matnas, Benjamin library - will be open on
Wednesday and Thursday between 16:00-19:00

In Ramat Beit Shemesh at Etrog school - will be open on Sunday between
15:45-18:00 and  Tuesday between 15:00-18:00

The Beit Shemesh learning center will open first and will be welcoming
students starting Wednesday, September 5.

We hope announcing the opening of the Ramat Beit Shemesh center soon.

The Learning Center will be directed by a staff of   Educators that
have experience with new olim.

Cost: 100 NIS per family/per year

If you are interested in joining our learning centers , please send an
email to Rachel Cohen yrcohen at zahav.net.il with full details: family
name, children's names, address and phone/cell number.

Hope you join us,

The Learning Centers staff

Tami Elmaliach
Project coordinator
English speaking olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com

תמי אלמליח
פרויקטורית תכנית עידוד עליה
עולים דוברי אנגלית
עיריית בית שמש
olimhelp at gmail.com

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