[RBS] [BS/RBS list] hanging signs on street corners- Realters (and others) take notice!

[RBS] [BS/RBS list] hanging signs on street corners- Realters (and others) take notice!

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Sun Sep 16 00:41:43 IDT 2012

>  A lawyer advised my wife not to hang her Realty signs on the metal bars at the various street corners. Yesterday i saw a Iriya supervisor tear all the signs (about 6) off the metal bars (Nachal Sorek in front of the park) as you exit the mercaz mischari and dump them. These signs are not cheap so be warned.

As far as I know *all* signs put up in public places and the tzedaka
boxes put up on public property is illegal and presumably gezel

I for one am very against it - however, I've been told by higher-ups
in the Iriya that (at least) the tzedaka boxes won't be taken down.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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