[RBS] any insect experts out there?

[RBS] any insect experts out there?

Riva Pomerantz joelriva at 013net.net
Sat Apr 6 23:53:24 IDT 2013

A fascinating creature landed on my mirpeset tonight. It looked like a cross
between a lizard, snake, cockroach and locust, about three inches long with
probably the ability to fly or jump (my mirpeset is pretty high up!) but it
kind of hopped around awkwardly every time I saw it-not in a grasshopper
type of hop, more of like limping, staggering. It had what seemed like a
hinged jaw mouth, kind of like a lizard's, maybe a tongue that poked out,
was all black, and had kind of like a pitchfork coming out of the rear, with
some wickedly thin, sort of sharp looking "tines" protruding. It had
antennae. I have never seen anything like it-it was very cool (and at the
same time, I was grateful it was OUTside!). Unfortunately, it disappeared
before I could get a picture. Any idea of what it might be?



Shavua tov,





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