[RBS] Special on New York Rye at Saidels Bakery

[RBS] Special on New York Rye at Saidels Bakery

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 17 17:12:51 IDT 2013

Saidels Bakery is having a special on New York Rye Bread this week.

New York Rye, also commonly known as Jewish Rye, is an authentic Jewish bread from Eastern Europe where it originated. Combining the intoxicating flavour and aroma of rye flour, carraway seeds and sourdough yeast, this delicious bread made its way to America at the turn of the century with influx of Jewish immigration and soon became the standard deli rye bread in areas with a large Jewish population like New York. 

Our New York rye is the authentic formula used in New York bakeries. The crumb is spongy and moist and the flavor is out of this world. Combined with corned beef, nothing beats this bread.

Saidels Bakery also makes a wide variety of health breads (including a big selection of spelt products and our very own Rambam Bread), special challahs, bagels, bialys, apple pies, cookies, freshly ground whole flours, frozen quiches, gift baskets and more.

To order, please visit our website www.saidels.com or call 09-7941222.

NEW!!! We have decided to add hotdog rolls and hamburger buns to our year-round menu and you may order them directly from the website every week.

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have  a pick-up point or we can deliver to your door (for a 10 NIS delivery fee). Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at:
Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1.Tel: 9997643.  13:30-15:30
NEW! NEW! For your convenience we have added another, additional pickup point in Ramat Shilo at: Sara Friedman, Nachal Ein Gedi 32/11. Tel: 0779620023. 14:00-15:30

For those of you who missed the radio interview with Les Saidel, here is the link: 

Shabbat Shalom

Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery - baked with love
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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