[RBS] The absorption department offers "Ulpan for gan" class

[RBS] The absorption department offers "Ulpan for gan" class

tami elmaliach elmaliacht at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 15:45:04 IDT 2013

The Municipality of Beit Shemesh absorption department plans on
opening the "ulpan for gan" class after the holidays.

The program is tailored to the needs of children at the ages of 4-6
that  are  new olim or children that have not adjusted yet to Hebrew.

The goal of the program it is to give these children the skills that
are required for  gan and first graders and others to enrich their

We hope to invite you for a trial class during September. Exact day
and time will be announced.

The program will take place once a week, after gan hours for 45
minutes  at the learning center for olim at Etrog school on 8 Nachal
Sorek st.

Cost: 70 NIS per month (paid in advance for 10 months)

If you are interested in signing  up, please register at email address
yrcohen at zahav.net.il  Rachel Cohen,  with full details: name of child and
parent, name of gan, date of birth. If your child is an oleh, please send
his date of aliyah.

For further information please call Rachel at  054-4910633

Class is limited to 10 children!

Tami Elmaliach
Coordinator of English speaking Olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com

תמי אלמליח
פרויקטורית תכנית עידוד עליה
עולים דוברי אנגלית
עיריית בית שמש
olimhelp at gmail.com

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