[RBS] Looking for Rental 3 or 4 Room near Maor - Aish Kodesh - Mitzva Gedola for wonderful couple

[RBS] Looking for Rental 3 or 4 Room near Maor - Aish Kodesh - Mitzva Gedola for wonderful couple

Hillel Abrahams hillelrealestate at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 17:21:28 IDT 2013


I have taken on to find this couple an apartment *** pro-bono***. This
is for an outstandingly special older couple who will look after the
apartment well and would like long term if possible. The place they
have rented for years has been sold and they need to be out by the end
of the month - for 8 - 10 years or so they have been in the apartment
- and it looks as if they just moved in yesterday - it's spotless!
They are looking for a 3 or 4 room apartment near Aish Kodesh in Nahal
Maor or vicinity (Timna, Refaim, Dolev, Gichon, Yarkon, Yarden, Besor,
Mata, Raziel etc.) - if they cant find nearby they will look further
away. They could go to a higher floor if there is an elevator.

Anything under 4,500NIS is suitable.

Please call me if you have anything.


Hillel Abrahams
Hillel Real Estate & Investments
Mobile: 0545.720.391 Office: 02.995.1008 Fax: 02.999.3774

Registered Head Office: Nahal Noam 5/1 Ramat Bet Shemesh A
נחל נועם 5/1 רמת בית שמש א'  99644 Israel
License No: 028816 - 320990849 מספר עוסק:
Email: hillelrealestate at gmail.com


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