[RBS] If you had trouble following Rav Yoel Schvartz

[RBS] If you had trouble following Rav Yoel Schvartz

Harry greenspan rabbispan at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 15 21:04:25 IDT 2013

...in his rapid-fire colloquial Ivrit, or you did not come because it was delivered in Hebrew,here's some GREAT news:  Rav Malinowitz will be delivering an English-language synopsis in the course of his Shabbos morning derasha this week ! Tefila at Beis Tefilla {refaim @ Luz] begins  at 7:55 Am,followed by derasha at 9:45 {approximately]--NOTE: If you have no idea of what shiur I am referring to,the following was the publicity for the event "BTYA invites the "working-and-learning" public to hear:HORAV YOEL SHVARTZ, Sh'lita Founder of Nachal Chareidi and author of countless sifrei Halacha, Hashkafa,and guides to life
on the topic of:The Draft Law has Passed...What is OUR Obligation Now? Rav Shvartz, who recently resigned from Nachal Charedi in protest of the law, will speak in Hebrew.Also open for women, in the Ezras Nashim. No entrance fee.
THIS Wednesday night, August 7th, following the 8:00 PM Ma'ariv In the Beis Medrash.------------------------------------------------------ The direct  link to the Rav's presentation--http://shiurim.btya.org/MP3s/OTHER/Rav_Yoel_Schwartz_20130807.mp3         My personal comments follow "The 3 main points he urged us to take-to-heart and promote: A-We must realize,and emphasize the significance of one's work activity inEretz Yisrael,if done L'Shem Shamayim---B-Delivering a torah shiur in the work-place,as well as being model of propriety there,is a formula that cansanctify the work activity and bring kiddush Hashem ---C-We must be dreamers and idealists,and not pragmatists or "realists",in reference to what each of is capable of accomplishing  in his or her sphere-of-influence---We need you to "step up to the plate" and volunteer for Ner L'Elef training,in order to accomplish these goals,each in his own work environment----THEREFORE: If you
 wish do have input into and be involved in the plan he outlined,PLEASE contact me at rabbispan at yahoo.com------In addition,please note: An English-language synopsis of the entire shiur will be available shortly. Also,a list of the hundreds of seforim {including ten in English translation} and dozens of  video presentations that the Rav has created for distribution,will also be available. Your comments,
suggestions and input are encouraged. Rabbi H Greenspan"
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