[RBS] Rabbi Mendel Kessin will be giving 2 shiurim over next Shabbos Parhsat Ki Savo

[RBS] Rabbi Mendel Kessin will be giving 2 shiurim over next Shabbos Parhsat Ki Savo

ashenrus1 neshoma at bezeqint.net
Thu Aug 15 23:13:37 IDT 2013

Dear RBS,

It gives me such pleasure to announce to the Ramat Bet Shemesh community know that Rabbi Mendel Kessin will joining us for Shabbos  Ki Savo – August 24,  2013 giving 2 amazing and powerful shiurim.  

On Shabbos day, Rabbi Mendel Kessin will be giving a shiur after the musaf davening in Beis Tefilla located at Nachel Refaim 34  on the topic of "The Real Meaning of Bracha (Blessing) and Kla'la (Curse)- Why It Occurred at Har Grissim and Har Eveil." The shiur will be instead of the  Shabbos drasha  given by HaRav Malinowitz 

On Shabbos afternoon, Rabbi Kessin will be giving a shiur at KSY -  Kehilla Shivtei Yeshurun located at Nachel Dolev 2/1 – Rabbi Haber's shul at 4:45PM  sharp on the topic of "The Hidden Meaning of Rosh Hashana and What really happens!"  Rabbi Kessin will be speaking from 4:45  to 6:10PM, mincha will follow.  

Please make an effort to attend these amazing shiurim over Shabbos day by Rabbi Mendel Kessin


Reuven Ashenberg
Coordinator for the Rabbi Kesin Shiurim

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