[RBS] Looking to borrow a small table and 2 chairs

[RBS] Looking to borrow a small table and 2 chairs

Yehoshua (Jeff) & Minna Levinson jamlevinson at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 18:41:25 IDT 2013

A couple moving to RBS from NY this upcoming Wednesday is seeking to
borrow a small table and 2 chairs for 2 months until their lift
arrives.  Is there a gmach or anyone who has a small table to lend
this couple?  Please let me know.
Tizku l'mitzvot!!
Yehoshua & Minna Levinson
Nachal Ayalon 13/6
Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel  99644
02-992-5841 (home phone)
052 750 1460 (Yehoshua's cell phone)
052 768 9490 (Minna's cell phone)
323-238-4202 (U.S. line)
skype name:  jamlevinson

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