[RBS] Shalom Bayis Shiur Series (for Men) Beginning this Motzei Shabbos

[RBS] Shalom Bayis Shiur Series (for Men) Beginning this Motzei Shabbos

S Cole rbslist7 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 09:34:00 IST 2013

There will begin a men's Shalom Bayis shiur given by Rav Dilman at the home
of the Colemans Nahal Noam 16 / 13 4th floor this Motzei Shabbos from 8 -

Rav Dilman has agreed to offer his shiurim on:

Leading your marriage to unity; the essentials of being a Jewish husband

Paticipants will learn the sugiyos of “husband” and marriage from the
original sources: Gemara, Medrash, Rishonim and Acharonim. The text used is
copious quotations from these sources. Each excerpt is carefully considered
and “learned up”. One citation is often considered in light of other
sources, giving a total picture

  Some of the topics include:

     What does the Torah teach us about:

            What does a woman need the most from her husband? How do you
(painlessly) deliver that to her?

            Honoring your wife-how do you do it? Is it really important?

            What is the most common thing that husbands get wrong and how
to get it right.

Emphasis is placed on how to put into practice what the Torah teaches us;
avoiding pitfalls and smoothing out the bumps.

The shiurim are being offered at a subsidized fee of 200 ($60) shekels for
a series of ten shiurim (400 is the full fee for those who do not need a
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