[RBS] Tu B'Shvat packages from Tuv HaAretz

[RBS] Tu B'Shvat packages from Tuv HaAretz

The Jerenbergs batyai100 at 013.net
Tue Dec 17 19:56:23 IST 2013

Please contact the person below. I have no further information.

As a fundraiser for one of our shuls:
Once again this year, Tuv HaAretz is selling lovely dried fruit and nut 
packages specially for Tu B'Shvat!

Tuv HaAretz, for those who don't remember from previous years, is a 
family-owned company started by people formerly from Gush Katif.  It is 
unique in that it employs only Jewish labor and sells dried fruit and nuts
grown, harvested, and prepared only by avodah ivrit.  (Strangely, the vast 
majority of dried fruits that we purchase and eat on Tu B'Shvat and all 
year round are not actually from Eretz Yisrael!)  Kashrut certification is 
from Rav Efrati and the Shomron Rabbanut.
Also like previous years, all the proceeds (i.e., sales commissions) are 
going to B"K Etz Chaim.  you are not only getting a lovely package for Tu 
B'Shvat of completely  Israeli products for yourselves, you are also helping 
this company  succeed, and you are also benefiting Beit Knesset Etz Chaim. 
It's a  win-win-win proposition!
Four packages are available for sale:
1. "Shivat HaMinim Package":  figs, jar of olives, dates, pomegranate,
raisins, wheat-barley cookies - 1 kg total - Costs 50 nis.
2. "Family Package":  pecans, dates, prunes, raisins, almonds in the
shell, roasted peanuts - 700 gr. total - Costs 45 nis.
3. "Giant Family Package":  pecans, majhoul dates, prunes, raisins,
shelled almonds, roasted peanuts - 1300 gr. total - Costs 80 nis.
4. "Double Package":  almonds, majhoul dates, roasted peanuts, raisins -
400 gr. total - Costs 35 nis.
To order, email family at thebuckmans.com or call Debbie at 991-8492.
She will be in touch with everyone who orders about pickup, a few days 
before Tu B'Shvat.  Payment upon pickup.  Cash or checks made out to Tuv
> Haaretz. 

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