[RBS] Thank you from the Shaw and Alexander families

[RBS] Thank you from the Shaw and Alexander families

Natalie Shaw natsshaw at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 09:43:56 IST 2013

To our wonderful community,

We would like sincerely to thank you all for your great kindness, your
tefillot, your support and the meals that our family received over the
recent period of my dear father's z'l illness and during the week of shiva
and beyond.

Over the past few years we have asked many times for emergency tehillim, 40
day cycles and extra tefillot on my father's behalf and our wonderful
community has always been there for us ready to join us in storming the
shamayim asking for a refua shelema. Hashem showed us great kindness and my
father's life was extended on more than one occasion after the doctors had
told us otherwise. We are very grateful to you all for your
many tefillot which surely played a major role.

When we were told by the hospital that we needed to find blood donors and
platelet donors for my father we were totally stuck as to how and who. We
needn't have worried; Baruch HaShem even on minimal notice there was never
a time when we were unable to find willing donors. Thank you.

The support we have received from the community during the past few weeks
has been so incredibly overwhelming and we truly could not have managed
without it. The warmth and love we have felt has made a very difficult time
somewhat more bearable.  Our relatives from abroad were blown away by your
kindness. And we will be eternally grateful to you all. Baruch Hashem.

May we be zoche to help each other on smachot and may all of am Yisrael
know only joy.

שנזכה לגאולה שלמה במהרה בימינו

Many thanks

The Shaw and Alexander families
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