[RBS] Teach your children the importance of chesed through example!

[RBS] Teach your children the importance of chesed through example!

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Tue Feb 12 22:17:41 IST 2013

Dear Fellow Listers,

All of our children read amazing stories of our sages who did great acts of
chesed,....but then they watch/hear  us drive by people stranded by the road
in the rain and/or  scorching sun. They notice us rolling our eyes at
beggers and sometimes even witness us lying as we pretend that we are not
home or  are "unavailable"....

Well I have an idea that could turn the tide for some of us; an afternoon of
baking with your children.

Now you may assume that this refers to getting reddy for Purim,...but not
this time....TOO EARLY!

There is a "working poor" family in  Bet Shemesh which is making a simcha
very soon and is short on baked goods. What a chance to show our children
how precious such a small act  of chesed can be!

If you can help me collect some cookkies or pies or cakes ASAP,....and let
me know from whom  I can arrange to pick  it up,...you will make a needy
family ecstatic , AND teach your children something special...;].

PLEASE write me at the address below for any questions or to let me know
what you can make and when....


Beryl Shmuel
hotslucha at bezeqint.net 

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