[RBS] please daven for Rav Brevda

[RBS] please daven for Rav Brevda

Susan Reuben s.r.reuben at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 4 11:09:56 IST 2013

This transcript of the introduction to a Shiur given by Harav Shlomo Brevda shlit"a on Leil Shishi of Parshas Noso is given to you for the purpose of requesting your sincere Tefillos for The Rov shlit"a, 

Shlomo Leib Ben Miriam Lirefuah Shelema Besoch She'ar Cholei Yisroel.

Morei veraboysai. Once again I am offering you this Dvar Torah from my private residence because I am bedridden because of a very serious ailment which I have now for months, and which has become even more serious lately. 

However, I'm certainly seeking Zechuyos, somewhat, to be worthy of a miraculous Refuah Min Hashomayim. 

I don't consider myself to be worthy of this and I continuously plead with our serious Orthodox Jewish brethren worldwide, to pray to Hashem Yisborach and say chapters of Tehillim on my behalf, which means I'm saying to Hashem Yisborach: "I'm not worthy of any unusual or miraculous salvations here. However, tens and hundreds and thousands of our Jewish brethren are praying to You, Hashem Yisborach, beseeching You, that I should have a Refuah Shelema." 

Which actually means that thousands of our Jewish brethren are saying to Hashem Yisborach "We believe that only in Your hands lies a cure, a Refuah, to this ailment." 

"Not that I'm worthy, but Jewish people in the thousands have expressed their faith that only in Your hands, Almighty, lies the possibility of a Yeshua." 

In THAT zechus, I certainly can base my hopes of a Refuah Min Hashomayim.
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