[RBS] Why You need a Recording Studio - Durango Studios

[RBS] Why You need a Recording Studio - Durango Studios

bhbergenfeld bergenf at durangostudios.com
Tue Jan 8 15:46:02 IST 2013

Here's an idea! You take pictures and videos of your children, don't you? So, record your children singing their favorite song or niggun. Have nachas until 120.

* Highest Quality Recording on Digital Audio Workstation
- Pitch correction
- Sound Effects
- Automated Harmony Creation

* Record Your Original Songs
* Record Your Voice with Ready Backing Music (Playback)
- Choose the song you want and just sing !

* Powerful Video and Slide Presentations
* Record Voice-Overs for Radio Advertising or Film
* Movie Soundtracks
* Live Remote Recording

+ Great Bar/Bat-Mitzvah gift
+ Demo recording
+ Professional CD Quality Production
+ Studio Musicians Available
+ Let our Quality, Experience and Artistry Help you Shine

Don't wait !

Call or email for details or to schedule recording session

Baruch and Yehuda

Durango Studios
The Haimishe Recording Studio in Ramat Beit Shemesh

077 3500341
050 6501872
info at durangostudios.com

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