[RBS] 3 weeks until the next Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive

[RBS] 3 weeks until the next Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 14 15:40:57 IST 2013

Dear Listers: 

Please make every effort to come and donate a pint of life-saving blood!!! Our drives are a great opportunity to donate blood without schlepping out 
of Beit Shemesh!!!

Please mark your calendars (if you haven't already)...

DATE: Sunday, February 3, 2013 (23 Shvat 5773) This drive has been on the Community Calendar since October! No excuses!!! 

TIME: 17:30 to 22:30

PLACE: Beit Knesset Feigenson, Nofei Aviv (downstairs in the Ulam Smachot)

WHO: Healthy adults ages 18 to 65 (17 with a parent's note). Other restrictions apply. For details, see our website at  http://www.shemesh.co.il/bd/index.html.  

WHAT TO BRING: Teudat Zehut, Passport, Driver's License

WHAT NOT TO BRING: Please leave your adorable children at home. We don't 
provide babysitting and a blood donation center can be a dangerous place for small children (especially while their parents are donating blood). Arrange a babysitter or swap with a neighbor - you can watch their kids while they donate and they'll watch yours while you donate!

RIDES: Rides to/from the drive can be cheerfully arranged. Please contact me 
if you'd like a ride. Get a group together and we'll bring all of you!! 
We've provided rides from as close as the Sheinfeld neighborhood and as 
far as Netiv HaLamed Hey...so far!

SPONSORS: This blood drive is generously sponsored by Amy and Shimon Solnica l'ilui nishmat Shimon's parents, Rabbi Hershel and Betty Solnica, Z"L and by Joe and Deb Weisblatt in honor of our family’s Shvat birthdays.

As always, if you have ANY questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me (dweisblatt at vmware.com). If I don't know the answer, I'll refer you to the nice folks at MDA who do!! 

Kol Tuv,
Deb Weisblatt (for the Greater Beit Shemesh Blood Drive Committee)

 Deborah Weisblatt
Senior Technical Writer - VMware
8 Hartom Street, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 45108
Beck Science Center, Har Hotzvim
Jerusalem, Israel 97775
Tel: 972-2-588-5241 Fax: 972-2-587-9836 
Mobile: 972-54-782-6332
dweisblatt at vmware.com
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