[RBS] Choosing Torah on Election Day

[RBS] Choosing Torah on Election Day

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 12:31:46 IST 2013

Youth, Children and adults learning  on Election day as follows:

Adults' learning:

at BK Mercazi on Dolev
8:00  Shaharit
shiurim on the subject of elections according to Torah as follows:
8:35 refreshments
8:40 Rav Menahem Copperman , Rav Kehillat Ahavat Tzion, Dayan
9:00 Rav Daniel Dreyer, Rav BK Nahalei Tefilla
9:25 Rav Yitzhak Roness, BK Mercazi
9:50 Rav Nir Vargon, "what is the Torah source for democratic elections?"

finishing approx 10:15am

The women's section will be open

For kids and youth:
8:45 tefilla at Ramat Shalom , followed by two shiurim each, in parallel
groups for teens and younger kids
women's section open here too
and refreshments will be served

With wishes for good decisions on this Auspicious day
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