[RBS] man needs volunteers to stay with him in hospital

[RBS] man needs volunteers to stay with him in hospital

Susan Susan at lemaanachai.org
Tue Jul 2 11:30:28 IDT 2013

A man in RBS needs to have a bone marrow transplant.  Hopefully this will
happen within the next couple of weeks but it's possible he will have only
24 hours' notice.

When he will be admitted to hospital, he will need someone to be with him
all night every night for the first week.  
After that, he will need someone with him around the clock.
We are looking for volunteers, even older teenagers,  who can help with this
to give his wife a break.
If you can help, please reply to this e-mail.
Tizku lemitzvot!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai

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