[RBS] Re upcoming Mayoral election

[RBS] Re upcoming Mayoral election

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Wed Jul 3 09:57:07 IDT 2013

With respect of the rules of the list moderator/s;

When deciding IF to vote and WHOM to vote for, ALL I  consider is the
condition of our once beautiful neighborhood.

When I moved here 13 years ago, the streets and sidewalks were level and the
intersections were often strriped with the solid white lines that allow
children and elderly people to pass safely. Those days are LONG gone!

IF you are satisfied with the horrific state of the sidewalks and nearly
total ignoring  of the need for strriping the intersections, then stay home
or vote for the current  group running our city. IF however you believe that
city money should not ever be spent for  Shabbos trips for selected
"special"  people but ONLY be spent for sorely needed city services, then
please vote for one of the new faces running to improve our lives.

I , for one, am very tired of watching and hearing  people falling down and
tripping on once flat sidewalks. I am tired of the police harrasing many
people for zero reason, ESPECIALLY  trapping  drivers for silly reasons
having nothing to do with public safety YET often ignoring REAL public
safety issues! I am tired of being promised that intersections will be
strriped  only to wait endless months and finally watch cheap paint applied
that wears off LITERALLY within a SINGLE month! Perhaps worst of all; I am
tired of the lack of cameras  in parks though they have been funded YEARS

PLEASE consider these issues when deciding if and for whom you choose to


Beryl shmuel

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