[RBS] drop off ironing erev tisha b'av

[RBS] drop off ironing erev tisha b'av

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 21:52:04 IDT 2013

Since it is erev the 9 days, you can drop off your clean laundry to be
Motsi Shabbos & Sunday til noon.

I will call you to arrange pick up times.

Also, there will most likely be a lot of
ironing dropped off so please, please make sure
your name and number are on a LARGE piece of paper in each bag you
drop off. I really want to avoid confusion.

Drop off at Sderot Nahar Hayarkon 26 Apt 5
Third floor in the elevator

All shirts come with starch on the sleeves and collars.

Please specify if you want (for an additonal charge)
#2 extra starch (starch entire shirt) (.50 agarot)
#3 extra heavy starch (starch entire shirt twice before ironing) (1 nis)
You may write that on the note with your name and number.

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