[RBS] Have You Had Enough?

[RBS] Have You Had Enough?

Avrohom avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Mon Jul 15 18:50:59 IDT 2013

The Jewish people have suffered for 2,000 years of galut and all that 
accompanies it.

This Tisha B'av let's do something to bring the geulah!

As essential as our fasting, tears and laments are to mourning the galut, it 
is only deeds that will bring us to redemption.

Sinat Chinam (baseless hatred) brought us to exile and only through Ahavat 
Chinam will we merit to come out.

For over 13 years Lema'an Achai has been a shining example of that Ahavat 
Chinam as we bring all Jews of our community together to help others. With 
no regard to color, kippa, where your children go to school or where you 

It is simply those who are able helping those in need. It is simply tzedaka 
and chesed of the highest level.

This Tisha B'Av commit to support Lema'an Achai and spread the highest form 
of Ahavat Yisrael.

Lema'an Achai is presently faces a difficult financial situation that 
threatens to severely curtail our Smart Chesed programs and the families 
that we help.

Your generous contribution before or on Tisha B'Av will empower us to 
continue to help people with true tzedaka, chesed and Ahavat Yisrael.

Visit www.lemaanachai.org to donate securely online. You can also call 
9999933 24/6 or give through your shul rep on Tisha B'av itself.

May this be our last Tisha B'Av in mourning and may we together, as one, 
merit to see the geulah shleima..the full and final redemption.

Tizku L'Mitzvot and Have an Easy Fast.

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