[RBS] Egged -= time to do something about wrong type of

[RBS] Egged -= time to do something about wrong type of

Aviva Rubin AvivaR at kh-uia.org.il
Wed Jul 24 08:07:31 IDT 2013

Shalom Michael,
I can understand your frustration as I go on the same buses each day.
After doing my own research over the last few years (this happens every year during the summer and on Lag Ba'omer), the finger should be pointed at Misrad Hatachbura and not at Egged.
According to the regulations, at peak times Egged adds busses to routes such as the 402 and special busses to the separated Ashdod beach. Due to this, they need to take busses from different routes.
Misrad Hatachbura decided that as Beit Shemesh is just a slight extension of Jerusalem, and within a certain mileage, the busses should be reverted from the 417 route to other routes and we should get the "inner city" busses. As the 402 is more mileage, they need to receive the regular busses.
Also Egged Beit Shemesh and their drivers are frustrated from the situation, but this is out of their hands!
There is only another few weeks, and then life goes back to normal....
The most important is that we get to and from work safety, and with the Egged drivers I can say that will happen with much more belief then with some of the Superbus drivers!

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:05:15 +0300
From: Michael Schoemann <mykey.schoemann at gmail.com>
To: rbs at cs.huji.ac.il
Subject: [RBS] Egged -= time to do something about wrong type of
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Dear Listland,
I am not sure how many of you travel to JM every day, but the past few weeks Egged has been sending city busses on the 417 and 418 route.
These busses are very uncomfortable for an hour ride and do not have baggage space (try this on Friday with parms, suitcases etc..).
It is time to tell Egged that if they do not send the appropriate type of busses, we will petition the Transportation Ministry to move these lines to Superbus as well.

Any volunteers to spearhead this petition?

Michael Schoemann
Mykey.schoemann at gmail.com
052 714 8494

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