[RBS] URGENT Donation needed!!!

[RBS] URGENT Donation needed!!!

Avraham & Simcha Colthof ancol at 012.net.il
Mon Jul 29 11:47:59 IDT 2013

There is a very unfortunate and unforseen situation in our community where a
young mother is going to be arrested if she doesn't come up with 18,000
shekel today. 
The kupot are involved in the situation but they are unable to cover this
expense right now. If anyone has maaser money that they can donate, this is
an incredibly worthwhile cause. Please contact me for more details or to
drop off money today.
Tizku lemitzvot,

Simcha Colthof 
052 569-7757 or 991-7908
Nachal Lachish 6/9

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