[RBS] [RBS2] Meals for family for this Shabbat

[RBS] [RBS2] Meals for family for this Shabbat

Susan Susan at lemaanachai.org
Wed Jul 31 12:12:19 IDT 2013

In response, I totally understand Chanie's point but I will not voice my own
personal opinion here.  I would like to add that knowing Chanie, since she
is such an eshet chesed and active community member, I understand that this
issue irks her for the very reason that she wants to help and encourage
others to help too.


At Lema'an Achai we do our very best to try to help the families keep their
self-respect in every way while they're working with us through a process of
financial rehabilitation.  If they are used to eating food behashgachat
habadatz then we will do our best to help them continue to do so.  

When I post to the lists a request like this one, we're not forcing anyone
to make food for a family at high costs.  

Only people who want to/are able to will respond.   Most dry foods have a
Badatz hechsher anyway, so if someone who usually buys Rabbanut meat/chicken
wants to cook for a family in need but does not want to buy chicken/meat at
higher costs, then they can offer to make the side dishes which cost the

Once again there's no obligation here. My requests to the lists are for
volunteers who want to and can help, they are the only people who will
respond to us.


Susan Hoffman

Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director

Lema'an Achai


From: Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder [mailto:philnchanie at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 11:44 AM
To: Susan
Cc: BS list; RBSA list (Momo); RBS2 list
Subject: Re: [RBS2] Meals for family for this Shabbat


I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but this is an issue that has been
bothering me for many ears, and i want to raise it 

The reason that there is an expression "beggars can't be choosers" is
because it is not proper for someone who is asking for assistance to demand
specifically an expensive form of assistance.


Halachically, this is also the case.   Hazal teach us "assseh shabbatcha
hol, v'al titztareich larabim" - meaning , lower your standards, eat weekday
food and wear weekday clothing on Shabbat , rather than ask for handouts.


I personally am more than happy to help most anyone, but i can help twice as
many families if i buy the less expensive chickens.   Or, perhaps, i can
only afford to help if i buy less expensive products.

By what right can someone tell me that they want my help, but it must be a
more expensive brand?




Obviously, for those how feel that only private  badatzim are kosher, one
can only ask for food from people who whose kitchens only see such products.

  For those who might expect that badatzim are more mahmir than rabbanuyot,
I have this vague recollection of a specific halachic source regarding being
mahmir at someone else's expense.  I will be happy if someone with a better
memory for details points me to the source of which i am thinking.  thank



On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Susan <Susan at lemaanachai.org> wrote:


A family in RBS needs meals cooked for them for this Shabbat - badatz
There are 10 members in the family - 2 parents and 8 children between the
ages of 2-11. 
If you can help, please reply to this e-mail.
Tizku lemitzvot!

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director Lema'an Achai

Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai


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