[RBS] Huge White Dog

[RBS] Huge White Dog

Rivka Ester Rothstein rivkaest at 012.net.il
Sun Jun 2 13:58:23 IDT 2013

FYI - on occasion, a dog may slip out of the house and be found wandering in
a bout of freedom.  On the other hand, there are those dog owners who
habitually let their dogs out to roam the neighborhood in lieu of spending
the time to walk them.  If you see a dog wandering about, phone 106 and
report the dog.  If the city dog catcher is available, the dog will be
collected and the owner fined - one way to get this bad habit to cease.


~Rivka Ester

A former and future dog owner




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7. Attention dog owners!

    Posted by: "danielaaraice" danielaaraice at yahoo.com danielaaraice

    Date: Sat Jun 1, 2013 11:07 pm ((PDT))


Huge white dog just spotted in ayalon park heading upwards to sorek. If this
is your dog or you own any dog please take precautions to keep your dog in a
secure place. It is quite unfair to the community that there are always dog
loose. I was very nervous passing by this dog. 

 Honestly you may have the most loving dog, I don't know that when I see
your dog ALONE. If you have a dog make sure someone is being responsible for
keeping it locked up.  

 Thank you!



Posted by Chanie Rosenfelder:


two dogs scared the living daylights out of schoolkids waiting for a bus the
other day.  the dogs might be trained, but human beings are

instinctively afraid of predatory animals.   i would not want a child to be

hit by a car running away from My dog....


ps - there is also rabies running around the country, which means some OTHER
stray might infect  YOUR loose dog....


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