[RBS] Chance to Meet mayoral Candidate Eli Cohen in Ramat Shiloh Tonght

[RBS] Chance to Meet mayoral Candidate Eli Cohen in Ramat Shiloh Tonght

The Palmers ypalmer70 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 09:27:02 IDT 2013

The upcoming Bet Shemesh Mayoral election is a pivotal one, insofar as our
city's future is concerned. The direction our city has taken over the past
five years has not been healthy for anyone, and it is time for change.

Perhaps you've heard his name around, but you are not quite sure who he is
or what he stands for?

Well, you're in luck! Because this coming Tuesday night, Eli will be in
Ramat Shilo, to explain his platform and answer your questions. This is
your opportunity to meet the forerunning candidate for Mayor, hear his
vision, and express your concerns and ideas.

Time: 8:30pm this Tuesday, June 4

Place: The Maltz Home, 38/8 Ein Gedi
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