[RBS] Baruch Dayan Emet - Joan Mintz

[RBS] Baruch Dayan Emet - Joan Mintz

Adina and Charles Rosenstein cr1818 at netvision.net.il
Thu Jun 6 21:31:40 IDT 2013

Mike Mintz's mother, Joan Mintz z"l, was buried yesterday in the states.

Mike Mintz will be sitting shiva in his home in Mitzpe Yericho.
He is on the plane now, on his way home.
He will be sitting shiva upon his arrival home tomorrow morning,
Motzei Shabbat, Sunday and Monday.
He will get up on Tuesday after Shacharit.
If you want more details, please call Esther Mintz, his wife, at 0525916891

If you are considering paying a shiva call, would you please be kind enough 
to call me  at 0545396263 so that we
can, hopefully, get a lift there and back?

Thanks in advance,
Shabbat Shalom

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