[RBS] FOR TZEDAKA: Name-Your-Price Moving Sale Sunday 11-8

[RBS] FOR TZEDAKA: Name-Your-Price Moving Sale Sunday 11-8

rfried rfried at shemesh.co.il
Sat Jun 8 21:40:42 IDT 2013

FOR TZEDAKA: Name-Your-Price Moving Sale Sunday 11-8

As we prepare to move house, we realize we have a lot of things we no longer
need or have room for.
So...on Sunday we are having a "last chance" yard sale for tzedaka.

Sunday, June 9, 11am - 8pm
38/2 Hayarkon, RBSA

Here is your chance to do a mitzva (and take home a few things).

Name-your-own price and give the money, not to us, but to one of 3 community
tzedaka organizations. 
There will be three tzedaka boxes - one for Lemaan Achai, one for Kupah Shel
Tzedakah and one for the Givat Sharrett Chesed Committee. You can give as
little or as much as you like. It all goes to charity. 
Everyone benefits - you go home with a few treasures, the tzedaka
organizations get a boost, and we know that everything, P.G., has found a
new home.

Besides some furniture, oil-filled portable radiator heaters, lots of
housewares and decorative items, framed artwork, toys and games, office and
school supplies, bulletin and white boards, educational software, clothing,
table and bed linens, computer peripherals - there are all sorts of
electronics (working or not), hardware, parts for ceiling fans...

The only things out, which are not part of the tzedaka sale, are hundreds
and hundreds of books.
We are continuing our book sale and have slashed the prices!  
Payment for the books doesn't go in the pushkes.  
Whatever books are left behind after the "last chance" sale, will be donated
to schools and/or a library.

Prices for the books:

Any book NIS 5 (paperback, hardcover, coffee table books, etc.)
Any 3 books for NIS 10.
Any 10 books for NIS 20.

Please do not come early (except to line up to one of the first in the door
;-)).  I am intentionally not including a list of what's on offer, since
it'll already be outdated as soon as people come.

Please tell your friends who are not on this list.

Please do not send any un-accompanied children.


p.s. Please no phone calls, or email inquiries.



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