[RBS] First Aid Course Monday June 17th 10:30 AM

[RBS] First Aid Course Monday June 17th 10:30 AM

Ariel-Sara Gerowitz arielsarag at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 12:03:35 IDT 2013

Given by Avigail Polishuk, credentials below
Monday June 17th at 10:30 AM on Katlav
Will Cover First Aid, CPR/AED , choking, drowning etc All for infant, child
and adult

Please email arielsarag at gmail.com immediately to confirm your spot- limited

Avigail, has been teaching a few hundred kids ove the last 20 years and
many of her students have saved peoples lives, including one woman who
saved her child.
Certification from the American Red Cross as a life guard instructor, CPR
instructor and swimming.

There was a girl that i had taught, her baby fell into a bucket of sponga
water. The mother grabbed the baby and did CPR On her for 20 minutes and BH
the baby was saved


Ariel-Sara Gerowitz
Arielsarag at gmail.com

When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
Life isn't about the destination, but the journey.
Breathe in the day, breathe out a few thank yous
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