[RBS] SPECIAL on Sweet Challahs at Saidels Bakery

[RBS] SPECIAL on Sweet Challahs at Saidels Bakery

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 12 08:59:12 IDT 2013

SPECIAL! Sweet Challahs on special at Saidels Bakery. Call for details

The market is flooded with sweet challahs, but only one stands above the rest - Saidels Sweet Challah. This is the only sweet challah that has a delicious old-fashioned,  home-made taste, the kind your grandmother used to make. This is not a production-line, commercial challah, the kind you find in the makolet. Each one is lovingly hand-crafted by an artisan baker with only the choicest ingredients. It is also the healthiest "white" sweet challah available, with 10% organic whole wheat flour added. For all those fussy family members out there who prefer a white challah, they won't even notice they are eating healthy. All they will be concentrating on is how yummy it is!

Saidels also makes a wide range of other special challahs -

Whole wheat and honey challah
Whole Wheat cinnamon & raisin challah
Whole spelt challah
Honey, Apple & Raisin challah
Hazelnut challah
Rye challah
Five grain challah

We also make white, whole wheat and whole spelt challah rolls and NEW!!! - onion challah rolls.

Check out our exclusive range of health breads, including our famous Rambam Bread at www.rambambread.com and our wide range of spelt breads.

Saidels makes delicious American style bagels (boiled before they are baked), real bialys, old fashioned apple pie, scrumptious cookies, quiches and more.

Do you bake your own goodies? Saidels offers a wide range of organic flours for all you home bakers out there, including sifted white flour.

Read more about our unique bakery at our website www.saidels.com

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have 2 pick-up points or we can deliver to your door (for a 10 NIS delivery fee).
Our pick-up points are at: Hadine and Uri Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1.Tel: 9997643. 13:30-15:30
In Ramat Shilo at: Sara Friedman, Nachal Ein Gedi 32/11. Tel: 0779620023. 14:00-15:30

To order call 09-7941222 or order online at www.saidels.com
Like every year, Saidels Bakery will be conducting summer workshops for the entire family.

This year's workshop is entitled - "A Taste of Paris". It is a 3 hour workshop packed full of fun and a delight to the senses. You will leave with an unforgettable memory and a basket full of French bread to munch on your way home.

WHEN: Every Sun - Wed, 7 July - 7 August
WHERE: Saidels Bakery, Ginot Shomron (just over an hour from RBS).
COST: 75 NIS per person. Families of 4 or more 60 NIS per person.
TIME: 2 daily sessions: 10:00-13:00 & 15:00-18:00
Workshops suitable for ages 5-99

For more details & to register call us at 09-7941222.

Shabbat Shalom
Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery - baked with love
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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