[RBS] Tikun Olam: Objecting & correcting the plans for RBS Daled & Hay - Final hours on Friday

[RBS] Tikun Olam: Objecting & correcting the plans for RBS Daled & Hay - Final hours on Friday

Ephrayim Naiman ejnaiman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 17:51:10 IDT 2013

B"H, almost 2,000 people have signed an objection to the current plans
for RBS-D & RBS-E.

        The objection doesn't specify "not building"
        The objection is what *you* decide to write

You may specify:
+ not enough infrastructure
+ not enough parks
+ not enough commercial areas
+ buildings too high
+ buildings too dense (currently planned to be TWICE as dense as Chaftziba!)
+ etc, etc.

The area at risk is truly magnificent.
It is the second most popular bicycle riding area in the State of Israel.
The area teems with wildlife.
The Spring display of wildflowers is unbelievable with tourists coming
from all over the country to see them.
And currently the plans will destroy 367 archeological sites!

Come tomorrow and take the opportunity to fill in an objection form.
Get informed and fill an objection with what bothers you.

This is your legal right and the legal procedure to help correct poor
city planning!

Come to Kenyon Neimi between 9am and 3pm (in the open area).
Or come to the BIG fashion mall between 9.30am and 2pm.

Please bring your teudat Zehut (or other identification with a photograph).

Behatzlacha in our Tikun Olam!

And for you nay-sayers out there - *YES* previous objections *HAVE*
made a difference.
As much as we hoped - no, but it definitely has helped and this will too.

-Ephrayim Naiman
ejnaiman at gmail.com

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