[RBS] 'stepping out of power struggles' workshop in Jerusalem and Telzstone

[RBS] 'stepping out of power struggles' workshop in Jerusalem and Telzstone

Henchie Weinreb hnweinreb at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 13:31:58 IDT 2013

2-session power struggle workshop (see description below) will b"eH be
presented by Henchie Weinreb, MSW in 2 locations. The first session will
b"eH be this coming Wednesday, June 26, and the second session will be the
following Wednesday, July 3. The one in Jerusalem is scheduled for the
morning in the Romema area. The one in Telzstone is scheduled for the
evening. Fee is 70 nis (includes both sessions). If anyone is interested
(please forward info if you know of someone else who would be interested),
please contact the hostess to preregister and for details.

The Wed. morning hostess is Libby Lieberman 02-500-4673 (in Romema)
The Wed. evening hostess is Miriam Ganger  052-5699312 (in Telzstone)

Here is the description of the workshop:
*STEPPING OUT OF POWER STRUGGLES *Two-session workshop addresses the topic
of "Who is REALLY in control here? How to step out of power struggles with
your children". In Session 1, come and learn all about how and
why power struggles happen, how you can assert your authority in a healthy
way, and all about creating a more pleasant dynamic in the home. In Session
2, you will hear more detailed information on the topic of implementing
consequences, and you will get a chance to resolve and clarify questions
that have come up after beginning to work with the information from the
first session. An important lecture for all parents with children of any
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