[RBS] Does your family have enough food for Shabbos?

[RBS] Does your family have enough food for Shabbos?

Jeffrey Bell hotslucha at bezeqint.net
Thu Jun 27 15:27:49 IDT 2013


If so, you probably  do, and should  feel grateful.

Compare and contrast yourself to the young WORKING family that contacted me
this morning. 

They have NO money to buy ANY food for Shabbos. They will eat  ONE  meal
because they are invited out, but have no plans for  the other 2 meals.

There is no time to ask questions about local charities, only time to
collect money for them to buy food.

If you feel obligated to make sure that a neighbor has enough to eat this
Shabbos, please write me to arrange a way for me to pick up your cash or
check of any amount AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Tizku Lmitzvos,

Beryl Shmuel
hotslucha at bezeqint.net

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