[RBS] IMPT note about kitniyot

[RBS] IMPT note about kitniyot

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 11:32:47 IST 2013

Squash and watermelon are not kitniyot, right?
So why are their seeds, sold roasted and packaged, labeled "kasher l'pessah
l'ochlei kitniyot"?
and what about "tuna in water", which, by the way, is cooked in its tin?

two reasons, and i can assure you that these are true:
1.   ignorance on the part of the producers, who mark every seed / seed-oil
as kitniyot
2.   the same company roasts and packages other seeds / uses seed-oils.
and, once again, no one thought to ask a real halachic question, or open a
mishna berura, regarding the use of the same processing plant (not even the
same keilim, not at the same time as kitniyot, just the same plant,
possibly the same  oven)  for kitniyot and non-kitniyot items.

I am not a rav, so i cannot answer the halachic question of whether one is
allowed to be mahmir on a gezeira,
but for those who are not finding anything  to eat on pessah,
i strongly urge you to read the ingredients and not just the warnings, and
know what to ask a rav
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