[RBS] PSA: Meeting re: Bar Kol proposals

[RBS] PSA: Meeting re: Bar Kol proposals

The Palmers ypalmer70 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 09:43:47 IST 2013

There is a meeting this Tuesday night IYH at 20.00 in the Or Meir shul,
Lachish 4, to discuss organizing opposition to the plans.
For those who aren't aware:

   - The plans include some addition to Bar Kol (unclear yet exactly what)
   - Turning Sorek into a one-way street, except for public transport
   - Adding a number of public parking spaces at the entrance to Lachish

I don't know much more than this, but it's important for as many people to
attend the meeting so that we can organize the opposition to the plans.
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