[RBS] Pre-Pessach Meals & Baking Workshops from Saidels Bakery

[RBS] Pre-Pessach Meals & Baking Workshops from Saidels Bakery

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 13 10:43:17 IST 2013

It's only 10 days before Pesach. Cleaning is in full swing and everyone is getting rid of their chometz. But your family still has to eat, right?

Saidels Bakery has a wide range of easy solutions for your pre-Pesach menu -

* Individual sized Mushroom/Onion Quiches 
* Individual sized Vegetable Quiches 
* Potato Sambusaks (knishes)
* Stir Fry Vegetable Sambusaks (knishes)
* Mexican Chili Sambusaks (knishes)
* Garlic Bread (mini baguette size)
* American Bagels
* Bialys 

All of the above FREE EXCELLENTLY and can be pulled out on demand for a quick, nutritious and delicious meal, no cooking, no fuss!

We have our full range of challot, health breads, apple pies and cookies available.(We are continuing to bake as usual through until the last Shabbat before Pesach (22 March).

Please visit our website www.saidels.com for more information and to order online. 
You may also order by phone at 09-7941222. 

We deliver to Ramat Bet Shemesh every Friday. We have  2 pick-up points or we can deliver to your door (10 NIS delivery fee). 
Our pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is at:
Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1. Tel: 9997643.  13:30-15:30
NEW! NEW!For your convenience we have added another, additional pick-up point in Ramat Shilo at: Sara Friedman, Nachal Ein Gedi 32/11. Tel: 0779620023. 14:00-15:30

Saidels Bakery is Kasher Lemehadrin under the supervision of the Karnei Shomron Rabbinate and all our ingredients are Badatz.
Kids home 10 days before Pesach and driving you crazy?........

Saidels Bakery will be conducting pre-Pesach Baking workshops Sunday to Wednesday 17-20 March. Get the kids out of the house and treat them to a once in a lifetime experience in our unique artisan bakery. The topic of the workshop is "Junior Pastry Chef - Croissants and Bourekas". You are invited to have lunch at our bakery. The workshops is suitable for overseas guests, grandparents and grandchildren or parents and kids.

Call 09-7941222 to reserve a date. The cost of the 2 hour workshop is 50 NIS per person or 40 NIS per person for families of 4 or more. Minimum age of kids 5 years old.

Shabbat Shalom
Les & Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery - "Baked with Love"
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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