[RBS] Maot Chitim - seders for Ethiopian community

[RBS] Maot Chitim - seders for Ethiopian community

Isaac and Esther Graf iegraf at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 19 23:29:01 IST 2013

I am posting the following on behalf of the organzers of the Seders described below. My house is a collection point for those in RBS who wish to contribute.

All the best,
Esther Graf 
RBS resident


The Seder is in less than a week and funds are urgently needed for two community-wide Seders for the Ethiopian Jews in Bet Shemesh. The Seders are attended by hundreds of families. 

Tax deductible contributions can be made out to Beit Knesset Feigenson. For US dollar checks - US Friends of Bet Knesset Feigenson.
US dollar contributions, that are tax deductible in the States, can be made on line, through Beit Knesset Feigenson's Project Daybreak at the following address.


I would be most appreciative to anybody who might be able to seek on-line contributions from their friends and family in the "old country". The Zechut of helping Ethiopian Jews celebrate the Seder - the classic feast of redemption – is an exciting and tremendous opportunity that should speak to many people.
Contributions outside Nofei Aviv can be brought to:

Esther Graf
Nachal Shimshon 14/3
995 2201

Shoshana Lichtman
Shivtei Yisrael 1/3
Rhonda Epstein
Gad 5/13
88 Ha Arazim
052 8044768

David Kirshenbaum

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