[RBS] Bet Shemesh is the World Center of www.mastertorah.com - Join Now for Bava Kamma

[RBS] Bet Shemesh is the World Center of www.mastertorah.com - Join Now for Bava Kamma

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Fri May 3 11:26:40 IDT 2013

Many of you may not know it, but Bet Shemesh is the world center of

Rabbi Meir Pogrow, the founder and RBS resident, gives the amud shiur live
every morning from the Aish Kodesh Beis Medrash in RBS A.

The shiur has thousands of followers world-wide, and there is a very good
reason for it.

Rabbi Pogrow gives the shiurim in a fashion that you won't find by any other
maggid shiur.

How do I know that? Because Rabbi Pogrow views Torah SheBaal Peh differently
than every other person in the world.

Don't believe me? Listen to what Rabbi Pogrow said in our recent siyum on
Maseches Kerisus:

We have just finished our 10th masechta, at a pace of an amud a day. The
shiur has kept me in the Beis Medrash just about every day of the week for
the past 8+ years. Now, THAT'S an accomplishment.

If you want to join, we are starting Bava Kamma this Sunday AM.

Write back if you want more information.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

Working for a strong Likud.for the long-term future of Am Yisrael

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